Top Four Tips for a Healthy Morning Routine

Make your bed. 
It only takes a few minutes, but getting back into a made bed at the end of the day is wonderful.

Breakfast sitting down. 
Take your time. Be mindful of what you are eating, enjoy it. Check out some of my breakfast ideas. If you prefer a smoothie take a look at my drink ideas.

Drink a glass of water. 
Start your hydration for the day the right way. You can mix it up by adding a squeeze of lemon or lime or a mint leaf. On those cold mornings switch this up for hot lemon water.

Go for a walk or do a light workout, maybe yoga, whatever you want. I love walking our dog every morning before work. It's a moment to just take it easy and get in some exercise before the day starts.


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Lifestyle Home Health
Lifestyle, things around the home and healthy living. I like to create things that don't require purchasing lots of different ingredients. As always please let me know if you have made a swap that tastes amazing. I love changing recipes to suit availability of foods, this way eating well can still be affordable.