Chocolate Mousse with Raspberry Sauce

Sometimes you feel like you need to make a lovely pudding. Either for your friends or family. But sometimes you don't have the skill, time or energy to make something that hits the spot. Sometimes you are too busy doing other things or would rather spend more time with your loved ones. Tell me about it!

So this impresses and hits the spot. It's not really a recipe, more of an idea. You can mix it up any way you want but this works a treat!

Just remember don't be so hard on yourself, nothing wrong with making something from a packet from time to time.

Let me know if you enjoyed this one.

This amount will serve 4 depending on which type of instant mousse you have.

1 pack of powder instant chocolate mousse
1 cup milk (see back of packet a follow their amounts and instructions)
1 cup frozen raspberries


  1. Wisk together milk and instant mousse (follow instructions on packet).
  2. Spoon into containers and place in the fridge.
  3. In a small pot heat frozen raspberries and 1 tablespoon of water. Once the raspberries become soft, mash with a fork and set aside to cool.
  4. After the mouse has been in the fridge for an hour top with the raspberries, alternatively you can serve this as a side sauce.
  5. Place in the fridge again for at least another hour, or as per instructions on the packet.


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Lifestyle Home Health
Lifestyle, things around the home and healthy living. I like to create things that don't require purchasing lots of different ingredients. As always please let me know if you have made a swap that tastes amazing. I love changing recipes to suit availability of foods, this way eating well can still be affordable.